Saturday, 27 April 2013

All raked out.

We went down today to go riveting but forgot the roves and the snips so we went raking
out while we waited for them to be dropped off. We had roves by lunch time but the raking
out was going really well so we stuck at it and much to my surprise got 95 percent of it
finished. Although no riveting got done in the end. I need to make a thinner hook for the
next day to pull some remaining cotton from the very back of the seams. These hooks
did a really good job of breaking up the hard putty, but we found a few areas where the
putty was still softer and much more difficult to remove.

The straight one was made from the remains of a silicone gun and the  other with a length of 10mm mild steel bar, the handle made it very good for breaking up the putty fast .

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Raking out

Today I fitted the section of sheer strake that needed changing so that finishes the planking
for once and for all.
I glued on two short pieces to two of the plank edges where the gap between them was
unacceptable. If I had realised there was such a gap earlier on  I could have rectified it
as we fastened the hood ends, however a new edge will do just as well.
I then made a start at raking out the seams as I am planning on starting caulking next week.
It was as expected, a Bast**d. The old putty is like concrete so we have our work cut out
for us. I need to in-list some help for that. Ken will be free on Saturday so we will have to
rivet up the rest of the steamed ribs before I can get on with everything else.
She is getting regular soakings with parafin and boiled oil and is definitely beginning to take

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Second garboard

I fitted the second garboard yesterday and put the rest of the fastenings in the two of them.
I didn't do much else besides driving in a few rivets ready for roves the next day.
It was blowing a gale and it wasn't very pleasant in the tent so I left early.
The Boy Scott is nearly finished so work should begin to pick up on Teal shortly.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Ken's pictures

A few pictures Ken took of work in progress

Temporarily refitting the garboards, First to make them fit the new keel well and then to spile the plank above it  

Steaming ribs, Hegarty's style 

Spraying the hull with parafin and boiled oil

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Closing her up

Good bit of progress made this week. We went steaming in ribs on Wednesday which was
semi successful, we used the boiling water method which definitely made them more flexible
but never the less we cracked 3 and fitted 4, we also completed riveting 4 ribs.
We are now short 4 ribs in total so we will try and get hold of some american white oak
which is apparently pretty flexible despite the fact that its seasoned. Plus side is it can be got
We have all the ribs bar one, in on the port side so I was able to go ahead and fit the plank
I had left out for clamping. That worked out really nicely and I finished this evening by faring
it off.
The big accomplishment today was refitting one of the Garboards. They were the first part we
removed when she arrived in Oldcourt and its great to finally see one back in.
I fitted the stopwater outside the rebate on the stem, this was the method used on Hegarty's
boats and I've seen it on the Galway hooker St Roc which is near Teal so I went with that.
I will now have to caulk the stem, keel joint from the stopwater to the rebate, I made it out of
a piece of larch.
I bedded the garboard in with a mix of putty and paint and it went in relatively easy, I just
had to fasten along it and hammer it in as I went.
Finally I gave the whole thing another coating of oil and parafin so its looking good.

Monday, 1 April 2013


Finished the sanding, filled a few more small marks and coated her in her first coat of
parafin and boiled linseed oil. It has changed the atmosphere inside the tent a bit. Its a
bit like being inside a fuel tank.
John is going to give her another coat tomorrow and I'll do it again before leave there on
Wednesday and we'll keep that up for as long as we need to. It was nice to give the dry
timber a good soaking and a bit of rejuvenation.