Monday, 31 August 2015

No mooring so back to Union Hall on a 4.4 meter tide

Heart shaped hole in the Kedge

Probably a good warning not to go near Gascanane in these tides

The Stags from the East

Saturday, 22 August 2015

We motor sailed down stream then sailed across Roaring water bay before the wind died entirely, We motored the rest of the way, We would have had to anyway with about 3 knots of tide against us at Turk head, Even at that it was nearly dark when we got back to Baltimore. Lovely trip back either way. Definitely better than the torrential rain we sailed back in last year

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Heading down stream

Bit of diesel assistance to get out in the open 

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Ballydehob Gathering of the boats 2015

We left Baltimore in plenty of time in a nice breeze, It was low water so we planned on sailing around South-west of Heir Island instead of the much shallower route to the  North-east. This meant beating out almost to Gascanane sound to round Toorane rocks and pass West of West Skeam. Once heading in the right direction a fleets of boats appeared in all directions and true to form we were stone cold last to enter the river. Jeremy Irons's Willing Lass then sailed out and sailed in behind us so we weren't quite at the back in the end.
First up to the pier this year were Peel Castle and Sile a Do, Easily the biggest of the local boats which make for a very nice center piece.

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Fastnet to Baltimore

I hove too at the Fastnet and ate my lunch and savoured the moment a little before turning and heading for Baltimore. I managed to sail for a mile or two before the wind dropped off entirely and left me cooking in the sun.
I motored back almost to North harbour in Cape Clear. A little pleasure boat was making its way back with its little auxiliary after presumably breaking down at the Fastnet. She left me for dirt.
From there on I got to sail on and off and ended up having a nice sail back through the catalogues, down the sound and avoiding the dinghy's in Baltimore harbour. It had to be one of the most glorious days of the Summer as a bonus.

I wanted to get this photo with a while. A long while. 

A self portrait just because I was in my element

Cape Clear from the West

Friday, 14 August 2015

Horseshoe harbour to Fastnet

After a great nights sleep I ghosted away out of horseshoe nice and early and headed West along the coast of Sherkin. Soon after passing Cascanane sound what ever breeze I had left, I was still making a knot and a half with the tide but I needed to be in Baltimore again by the evening.
I was planning on rounding Cape and sailing back up through Roaringwater bay but I had it in mind to head for the Fastnet if I reached the Bill of Cape early enough so I did what was called for and motored the whole way to the Fastnet. Totally worth it !

A very calm Cascanane sound 

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Glandore - Baltimore - Horseshoe harbour

With a forecast for calm weather we grabbed the opportunity to get Teal round to Baltimore in time for the Gathering of the boats, I also blagged a night away so I had all today to sail as well.
Yesterday started fine but we were soon motoring into a very light but very cold head wind. We ended up motoring against the tide for its entirety. Ken's brought a few guests as we expected it to be sunny and pleasant but they ended up hiding in the cabin from the cold.
We got to sail the final mile into Baltimore were I dropped them off. My plan had been to head on to South Harbour but it was later than planned and I was cold and hungry so Horseshoe it was.
We had a great encounter with Dolphins earlier in the day with a large group staying with us for at least 20 minutes, They seem to like staying under the dinghy and one was hanging around right behind the prop, presumably enjoying the turbulence.

Pics from Horseshoe harbour


Saturday, 8 August 2015

International 12

A shipwright friend of ours is selling his 1937 International 12 sailing dinghy, Rebuilt by him a few years ago and ready to sail it would be a great buy for someone. I'd imagine it could probably even be brought to the UK if not in too much of a rush (don't hold me to that though ) There is a link to it here. If I didn't have a million other things to pay for I wouldn't pass it up. Link

Next up for us is the Ballydehob Gathering of the boats. The weather looks promising for the week ahead so I have fingers and toes crossed that I will get away to do some sailing and have a night away. I was thinking about it today and I guess even if we aren't managing much sailing this season the best place the boat can be is there on her swinging mooring. I do wish I had a better sail cover and a cockpit cover sorted though, buts thats 2 more things on my list to buy.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Teal and An Suire, Photo courtesy of Tim Cooke

Wish I had more to ad but unfortunately we are once again weathering the storm.