Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Salt Bay Skiff Day 1

I made bit of a start today, I bought a 14ft length of 9x2 Red Deal and a sheet of 9mm marine ply.
I will have to get a sheet of 6mm somewhere else as they don't have it and I'm short a small bit.
I've found that there is a mixed bale of red deal which seems to be about half the price of the stuff in the bale of 9x2's, Its the same stuff I used for a lot of Teal's interior and is very heavy and resinous compared to the more expensive bale.
After fitting a new drive belt I managed to coax my table saw back into life and rip and plane all the the solid timber parts, gunnels, chine logs, frames, transom frames, keel and stem. I'm going to collect my chop-saw and find my sliding bevel tomorrow so I can assemble the frames and cut all the various bevels.
I wouldn't recommend anybody getting the timber ex 9x2 unless you have access to a decent table saw, some of it is reasonably heavy cutting.

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